Monday, April 15, 2013

Triangles, triangles everywhere

I spent some time upstairs on the sewing machine contemplating sashing for my Pine Burr blocks.

I am using the Pine Burr pattern from one of Yoko Saito's books and she has a lovely sashing effect.  Ms. Saito and her devotees do all their piecing by hand but I have other things I want to make in my lifetime so I thought I'd do her sashing on the sewing machine.

Tiny 2 centimeters in height triangles...  It seemed most feasible to make the sashing using the paper piecing technique.

I drew out the pattern on some old computer paper that I had.  I stitched through about 8 sheets of paper with a threadless needle.  That gives me 8 patterns that I can resew until I have enough paper patterns.

I still have a box of little triangles that my friend gave me... and the white triangles I could sew from a 1 1/2 inch strip. (Do you notice how I mix centimeter and inch measurements?  That's why I'm always so confused.)  How many strips do I need?...

Let's see.  If I make 20 blocks Pine Burr blocks at 30 centimeters each...  And I want sashing on all sides...  And for each piece of sashing I need two triangle strips...  GYAHHHhh!   Is that right?  I need 98 strips!

And I have 6.  Should I give up now or go for it?

And I thought doing this by machine would free me up a bit...

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