I've been antsy lately. All these projects that everybody wants to make and we aren't getting anything DONE. (Only started.) I will probably be called in for consultation for all the projects and I do wish people would get on the beam and rack up some finishes.
Yesterday turned out to be a sewing day.
Leiya put aside her toothbrush rug to do some crochet (she figures the crochet goes faster, and Mother IS breathing down her neck.)
"Mom. Could you show me how the pattern goes. I don't understand the "encoded" crochet directions."
Leiya worked all day on her scarf.
Marcy gave me her fabric and set about looking at albums for pictures to scan herself. Okay, get the sewing machine out and sew some strips. I'm waiting for the pictures on fabric now...
In the afternoon Takumi and Bianca showed up and Bianca started machine quilting her project. Now she needs to go find the binding that we pre-cut two years ago...

Takumi too, took up base at a sewing machine (we've two set up in Grandma's little apartment now) and he proceeded to make a frog! He was so pleased with himself. I think he's decided that cute stuffed animals are a lot more difficult to make than they look like in the store. He'll probably never do THAT again.

So....Yeah!!! Takumi has the first finish of the summer!

My son has become a self-taught ethnic percussion musician this past year. Hmmm. I don't know WHAT this instrument is called. There is a real instrument out there in the world somewhere but Takumi made his out of a propane tank! A propane instrument. It makes an absolutely beautiful sound... so soothing and mystical.

Rats. I tried to put a video of Takumi playing his instrument but it won't go through. I don't have much luck with uploading videos... Any hints?
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