Not much to say about the car problem. Tetsu no longer seems upset. Though I had planned to take the car in, get an estimate etc, he "asked" me not to do ANYTHING related with the car and to let him handle it. I don't know what frustrates him more. My depending on him or my trying to solve problems on my own.
My teaching schedule has started again and today is my busy Wednesday. I'm out of here in 10 minutes. Before the vacation ended I did spend some time with needle, thread, and sewing machine.

The rainbow strips that turned into wedges have now turned into blocks. 24 of them (I need to make 24 more) And when set together they hopefully look like stars. Wow! Bright! I hope I can get the next 24 done this weekend.

I also finished another block for Borders and Promises. I thought this was number 8 but it may only be number 7. Pretty soon I'm going to start thinking about sewing these together...
Off I go to the kindergarten!
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