We are sewing at my mother's house these days. Nothing completed to show yet but we are working on it! Here is Marcy sewing and Kiana cutting strips. Grandma can't understand how one can make a quilt from strips and asks me the same question tens of times a day.
"How can you make a quilt from strips?" "What are you trying to make?" "Is that going to be a blanket?"
Close enough... I'm going batty answering her constantly.

Scrappy (not a great picture of him) was helping hold down quilt blocks. He is a little more rambunctious than my cats.
And as I direct the sewing process I am working on some hand sewn stars for my block exchange game. I wanted to show you this nifty tool that Mrs. Furui found for us a few weeks back.

This is a portable needle threader. It is about the size of a lipstick.

There is a little compartment on the bottom half where needles can be stored. And a little magnetic dealy on the bottom too.

If you push the top of the blue cover down, the needle threader part is exposed and there is a thread cutter hidden away back there too.
It is handy to carry around in a little pouch or sewing basket and of course because it threads needles it saves me from a lot of frustrations!

I don't think you can get it in the States... I looked on-line and didn't see it.
I'm glad I have it!
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