Leiya came in last night! Well, actually she came in the night before and Takumi picked her up at LAX and took her back to his apartment. I expected them to come yesterday morning but we waited and waited and texted and called and finally my children rolled in around 5:00. Well! Not too anxious to see good ol' Mom I guess!

The only big change with Leiya is that she has cut off all her pretty long hair. She's had it long for 8 or 10 years. But the general consensus of the family is that short hair suits her so she is looking good.

I whipped my children off to the bank before it closed at 6:00 because I wanted to put at least one of them on my account. The Japanese earthquake and radiation scare has made me think that a joint account, one that the kids could get into if I couldn't, would be the smartest thing for our family.

And in the evening we went off to a street fair and I bought Leiya a birthday present (tomorrow). Takumi and Bianca strolled around holding hands...
We are all lazing around the house catching up on the past year!
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