The Pinwheel and Patches quilt came back to me after being HAND QUILTED!
Oh, such a beautiful job!
I wanted to make a baby quilt for a friend at church. So without consulting anyone I made the flimsy. And then thought maybe two other church friends might like to get in on the present (I didn't ask... just assumed) and after showing them the flimsy, suggested they might want to join me on hand quilting it. Talk about railroading people!!!

My first friend, Yuko-san took the quilt home and stitched-in-the-ditch around ALL the pinwheels. She passed the quilt onto Kaoru-san and Kaoru-san spent the next week quilting the border. SHE FINISHED IT!

I didn't really expect the quilt to get finished. My two friends are very busy ladies and though they have done some quilting off and on, it is not a great love of theirs. I chose that border pattern and though I knew it was going to be a headache (all those corners) I was planning to put my hand quilting to the test. But Kaoru-san got it all done in a week and she has the sore fingers to prove it!!! I almost cried thinking how much work my friends did!
I am putting on binding now and will give it back to Kaoru-san for the last stitching down and the quilt will be given to the baby at its blessing ceremony on Sunday.
Quilting makes the quilt!
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