I haven't gotten around to all 8 projects that I listed up last week (I crossed off one and added another two!) but I am plugging away on them. Mrs. Ochiai is coming over today and we will work on the Hodge Podge quilt.
One of my projects is a baby quilt for a church friend. I considered getting other members involved but it takes too long to organize something and it is just easier to do it myself. Besides, no one has fabric like I do and it seemed ridiculous to have people going out buying fabric when I have BASKETS and SHELVES and BOXES and DRAWERS of fabric.

So I found a cute
pinwheel pattern. And as usual miscounted and made 20 blocks rather than the 12 that was called for. And then laying out the blocks I remembered I had billions of little triangle squares that had been left over from another project of many years ago. Good I can make a notch in getting those used, so in went some lattice with more pinwheels.

I really liked the prairie points which I've never done before and that made another dent in a box of 2 1/2 inch squares I've religiously been cutting out from left-over fabric but have not been using.
(That happens a lot... I have baskets with 2 in squares, 2 1/2 inch squares, 3 1/2 inch squares, 2 inch strips, 2 1/2 inch strips, 3 1/2 inch strips, strings, and all over them ARE NOT GETTING USED!!! They are just multiplying while I do other things.)

Anyway, the quilt came together and looks nothing like the pattern I began with. And then I dragged in my friend Kaoru-san and asked if she'd like to help hand quilt this quilt for our mutual friend. She could hardly refuse with me standing there with a flimsy in my arms looking at her hopefully. Yeah! Kaoru-san is recruited as a main hand quilter! We will round up one or two other friends and this quilt may get crossed off my list!!
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