December 31st. Tetsu has the day off and he is busy writing New Year's cards. They were supposed to be sent by December 25th if we wanted them to get to their respective addresses by January 1st (all New Year's cards all over Japan get delivered by January 1st! Think of what the postal workers are going through right now!!!) Our cards are always traditionally late. Better late than never! I spent one day last week at Mister Donuts addressing cards myself. And at least got most of my overseas cards sent. I consider these traditionally late Christmas cards and when I take them to the post office I always ask that the foreign addressed ones don't get held back. They are late enough as it is!

And another job I gave myself was to figure out how many quilts I got made in 2010 and make a collage. I'm not sure if this was a fruitful year or not. I didn't include flimsies (I figure it will give me incentive to finish those for NEXT YEAR'S collage) nor blocks (except for my completed applique blocks). Actually, with all the games I was playing with my quilt friends there were quite a lot of blocks that got done, but are not mine... I did include the wall hanging that my friends made for ME and also this year's bazaar quilt which I obviously didn't make myself.

And in the evening I finished a Hawaiian quilt block for one of my friends. I even cut out fabric for making more Alabama Beauty blocks during the New Year's holidays. Thinking ahead there Tanya with a lot of TV time in the next three days!

Many of you saw this picture last year on my blog. Another composite card but all of us are there, including Mi who joined our family a year ago in September. Hmm. Four of the cats could still sit together. That is Mi up at the top whom we were still trying to keep separated from the rest (no longer) and Vel chooses to be a solitary cat.
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