"Pray! You're just in time to pray for us before dinner. You're on speaker phone! Say grace for us!"
So I did. Wow, we surrounded the Pacific in prayers by long distance telephone! Prayers of gratitude for family, for health, for technology. Prayers for peace and joy in the New Year. I am thankful that my kids are together and with their American family. I'm thankful that Marcy and Keion are generous to feed so many extra mouths at their table. I'm thankful too that the sadness of losing Marcy's mother this summer didn't seem to shadow the fun of being together. Too bad I didn't get any of the turkey and roast beef etc.!
Okay, we enter a new phase of New Year's cards. By the time the 2006 Near Year's cards went out, Leiya had graduated from jr. high and gone to Ohio to start high school and live with the Dennis family whom we had met in Japan. Takumi was still living with my brother's family and he was trying different hair colors and styles. Can you find him with the blond hair? Tetsu and I had picked up a dog whom we named Choco. The four cats Lemi, Velvet, Cleo and Patora were learning to cope with the hyper dog.
And I needed to figure out how make our New Year's card! Mrs. Ochiai gave me some copy-resize-paste lessons on a photo application and this was my feeble attempt at getting three families in three different parts of the world onto one small post card. I think I made two cards, one in Japanese and one in English but seem to have only saved the Japanese one.

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