Mrs. Furui finished up her Summer quilt for the hospital! I spent the morning sewing down the binding.
This turned out to be a collaborative project. Mrs. Furui did the planning and applique (all those freehand stripes and circles!) and I did most of the quilting. I hand-quilted to my heart's content and probably added a lot more swirls and curves than Mrs. Furui expected. But, it is done!
The cute little elves (that we don't want you to miss) are a take off from the hospital wall paper in the children's ward. We couldn't think of a good name for this quilt... "Summer Elves"... "Water Play"...? Mrs. Furui will get this up on the hospital wall sometime next week name or no name.
Oh dear... We all forgot to take pictures of the bazaar quilt that we basted. I guess everyone was too busy crawling around on the floor with needle and thread. That quilt is officially out of our hands and will go to a friend who will machine quilt it for us. The bazaar isn't until November... We are way ahead of ourselves!
Mrs. Yamaguchi spent the day getting her quilt blocks all together into one piece. (Still in the layout stage here but she did sew it all together yesterday). She will add white borders and then trace a quilting pattern on it. Maybe feathers?
There were another couple of projects that have made progress... but more about that tomorrow.
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