I'm pretty sure my children have good memories of their obento years. I decorated their rice with cut out cheese flowers and seaweed animal faces. I cut up wieners so that they looked like miniature octopi. Obentos, mine and Japanese mothers, were a work of art!!! It was easy to get carried away in the early years!
My obento making mornings stopped when the kids were in elementary school. Good! I was tired of getting up early and making a full meal before 7:00. The education policy was no longer keeping a connection between mother and child, it was now, "train these students to appreciate all types of foods, not just what mom caters to". Students were required (and probably still are) to eat everything on their tray, though some teachers allowed them to leave ONE thing untouched. Leiya had trouble with school lunches because there were many things she didn't like.
"He eats a lot more than he did in kindergarten!"
So I was back to making grilled fish, simmered meat and vegetables, wrapped rice balls and macaroni salad before 6:30 in the morning. And while I was at it, I decided to make Tetsu a lunch too. Might as make two if I'm going to all that work in the morning. And I had my ulterior motives.
I made Tetsu pay me $3 a lunch!!! Such a conniving woman this foreign wife is!!!
I figured Tetsu was paying twice as much for a bowl of noodles everyday at lunchtime. If I was going to daily do something that I wasn't thrilled about, then I might not mind as much if I had a little play money coming in (and Tetsu'd be saving money too). I gave thought to making Takumi pay me $3 also but Tetsu said that was taking it too far. It was my duty as a mother to supply Takumi with a free lunch... true...
Oh well, this started out as a tale of Tetsu and my outing yesterday...
We finally took our lunch to a hot spa place and after enjoying an outdoor bath we sat at a picnic bench in a nearby park. That's why there are pictures of the interesting tree with a "hole" in the middle of it... Two trees had grown together. And the daffodils were surrounding the picnic bench.
My hastily put together obento was a slice of salty salmon, salad, chicken and bamboo shoots and a sweet omelet.
Tetsu laughed when he saw the aluminum lunch boxes the obentos were packed in.
"You must have pulled these out of the depths of the cupboard! These aluminum boxes look like something from the war years. How long has it been since you made obento?"
I didn't make him pay me $3. But I did let him buy me bottled tea.
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