I really don't have much to show in the way of sewing this week. I'm still making fiery stars but I'm not done with those yet.
I got waylaid with Mrs. Furui's project of making things for the hospital bazaar and after spending quite some time looking at the many links my blog friends sent me, I did sit down at the sewing machine. (Sometimes I spend more time on the computer THINKING about sewing than actually doing the sewing!)

I was most intrigued with the snap closure bags that someone recommended. I had seen something similar on Annie O's blog and really wanted to try destroying a tape measure just to see if I could. And I can!

I had this cute seersucker watermelon fabric that my friend sent me... but it was a bit difficult to use in quilts (though I did). I thought it was just the thing for little bags! The snap closures work out great but the unfinished seams on the bags are probably not going to be too much to Mrs. Furui's liking (she would figure out a way to make French seams or something) I really didn't want to put too much more time into this project, at least thinking time. I may sew up a couple more this week.

In the evenings I've been hand sewing the little stuffed bears. Well, they aren't stuffed yet. My plan is to make a bunch of these sewn patterns and then take them to a Patchwork Thursday and ask my friends to turn them and stuff them and sew on eyes. I think I can make this into a fast assembly line project for four or five people. They don't look like much now do they?

And lastly, I added some more circle flowers to Mrs. Yamaguchi's game quilt. She was really getting bogged down on appliqueing the circles and I was giving her a hard time about how she needed to make her templates more exact and needed to starch her gathered circles before she sewed them down. She looked so forlorn about my criticism that I offered to do a couple of flowers for her. (I didn't do them all... She still has two more that she had better learn to do herself.) This is going to be such a beautiful quilt when she gets it all done! All her quilting friends have been sewing lots of circle flowers for her!
Okay... back to the sewing room!
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