We have arrived in California!

Tetsu and I left Nikko in the morning, dropped off Choco at the vets, said good-bye to Tetsu's mother and then started on our way.

We had a very leisurely trip to the airport (a usual three hour drive took us about 5) and then we sat around or looked at the shops until take off.

I enjoyed chasing an airport guard around on his little wheely-dealy as he went about his security check.

I thought this was pretty cool the way he rode his vehicle in an upright position but set it down horizontally to take up his watch.
I also happened to be sitting in front of a group of students going off to Australia and they brought out Japanese "letters" from their back packs and then arranged themselves in order to say,

"Something-something High School off to Australia for a Study Trip"

The most interesting thing about the airport was running into a girl that we know from church! That was sure a surprise!! She too was flying off to Australia for a summer exchange program and we were in the boarding lounge across from her flight! We had a fun reunion and a 10 minute chat before she had to board!

The flight from Japan to California was about 10 hours but since it was an evening flight it felt like just another night in uncomfortable surroundings.
And now, excuse me while I write a message (in Japanese) for my cat sitters. I don't seem to have their e-mail address but I need to reply to their comments on my last post.
More tomorrow (Lots of pictures)!
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