Miscellaneous news today. Not even news... Daily life.

I think I have finished making the Bargello flimsy. Actually my friends asked if I could make a quilt to fit a certain size wall but as usual I can't remember the sizes they gave me. 140 centimeter? 250 centimeters? I think this is done and I don't want to make it bigger (if they wanted a larger size) by adding more borders. If it is not the right size I guess I'll just make another someday. Now to quilt this. (I should have sewn directly onto batting eliminating quilting altogether. I forgot that little step...)

I volunteered to make up two or more Pineapple blocks for Mrs. Harada's quilt. But I volunteered because I'd seen Mrs. Okutomi's contributions that were machine pieced (the rest of us did the blocks by hand). Making a Pineapple block by hand was driving me crazy but if machine piecing was acceptable then I was willing to do another. And I made a block.

AND IT WAS DING-DANG-IT TOO SMALL! So I took out a few pieces and added larger corners hoping that I could cheat and make the same size block. Nope. Still too small!!! What a waste of time! I went back to hand piecing the dang thing. One more blue block done. One red block in the making. A loose block (too small) to add to the orphan box that I've got somewhere... Sigh.

And Mrs. Furui asked me to sew up two yellow stars for a quilt she is making for the hospital. I'm not really sure what these are going to be added to.

Which reminds me... I never showed Mrs. Furui's HAND QUILTED bed cover that she made for the local Ronald McDonald House.

I only have to look at the BACK of Mrs. Furui's quilts to know she has made another heirloom.
Today is a rainy day and I'm making peanut butter cookies (delicious!) and bean soup (pretty good) and roasted pumpkin seeds (those didn't turn out so well... Bleh.)
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