Hammer, hammer, saw, saw, sand paper, sand paper. (Notice, no measuring.)
By afternoon Tetsu had made a very nice fit-in-the-sliding-door-cat-door. The goal (for Tetsu) was to allow the cats to come in and out of the house... into a warm room, through the cat door and move directly into the cat cage... Keeping Toi and Patora separate from the other frightened kitties.
Of course I pointed out that if the cats can go freely through the cat door, that meant that the cold air (and right now mosquitoes) could come through the door too. So the cat cage wasn't going to be all that warm for the kitties and the room was going to be freezing for the humans. That did not dissuade Tetsu. He still thought this the best arrangement. He is the carpenter, not me!
"Great job, Tetsu!"
After a few minutes of relaxation we noticed cats running in all directions as Patora stalked into the room. It didn't take her long to figure out how to get up and over the cage door entrance. Tetsu pounded another board in place and sat back down.
"Hiss, spit, growl!"
Patora AND Toi are in the house! Toi isn't the smartest of kitties but if he can figure out how to get past the cat cage then I guess the cat door has not been a success.
This morning Toi and Patora got let back into their cat house (by hand... not using the cat door). They managed to shred the paper screen while we were sleeping.
Tetsu's wonky carpenter project was NOT successful this time... He has promised to work on it again on his next day off...