Yesterday I started the depressing job of packing. Rounding up all things I've bought during the month... It looks like by volume I'll come out about just right. But weight? I have a feeling I'm going to be caught on that. Why does fabric weigh so much?!
I few last minute purchases. Bianca and I went to JoAnns one last time so that I could buy more backing fabric. My tesselating cats quilt flimsy has been sitting in the sewing room waiting for backing so now maybe that will get completed... Maybe.

I was thrilled to find Tonya Ricucci's Word Play Quilts book in JoAnns book rack and pointed it out to Bianca in a loud voice.
"Um... MY quilt is in this book too!"
Nobody else around us was eavesdropping enough to look over our shoulders. Rats.

Other last minute sewing projects. Colin finished an apron that he had mostly gotten done in jr. high. The final hemming was still left and he made short work of that.
Marcy and Kiana and I worked til late last night on pillow cases. With three people and two sewing machines we made some progress but we've got about six more to go. I also made a pillow case to go with the baby quilt that Marcy is taking to a baby shower tomorrow.

f nothing else, this summer has been a summer of overeating. Marcy and Keion brought back a couple of boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts last night. And nearly all are gone this morning! Sometimes I feel like I am eating in order to catch up with the left overs that are waiting to make room for more leftovers! By about the fourth installment in the refrigerator, the first installment of left-overs gets tossed. I sometimes think if I ate the first installment early enough in the morning I'll be able to eat the second installment for an early lunch and make room for anything we bring back from dinner. This way of thinking is bad for the hips...
I will be fearful of stepping on the scale for awhile. But everything tastes to good!!! And it's summer! And it will be a year before I have a chance to eat like this again. Those above sentences are the downfall of any diet. I checked out a dieting book at the library so you can see I've been feeling guilty. And I've been doing sit-ups in the evening in hopes that my Japanese friends don't look at me and say,
"Ah, ah, ah. I see you were eating well in the States!" Sigh...
More than luggage is "rounding" up.
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