Well yeah! Tanya remembered that she is a quilter!

Yesterday I spent some time cleaning my sewing room and pulled out fabric to work on a border for the Hopscotch, Butterscotch quilt that has been on the shelf for the past month. This is my leaders-enders project from Bonnie Hunter book Adventures with Leaders & Enders. I have so much leftover fabric that gets cut into leaders-enders and I had a large box of pairs with no plan for using them...

I'm not sure where I went wrong but my blocks ended up smaller than I'd planned and thus the whole quilt is a little smaller than I'd thought it would be. Maybe I'm getting sloppy in making a 1/4 inch seam (multiplied a few hundred times, that could make a difference...) or maybe my sewing machine got jarred more than I thought when it took a fall during the earthquake.

Anyway, my plan for this to go to Mrs. Furui's hospital project is thwarted unless I put one more round of border. (I suppose easily done but I thought I was going to be finished with this today!) Or this could go to the earthquake relief project. Of course quilting is another factor... Mrs. Furui is only making hand quilted quilts for the hospital. Do I want to hand quilt this? Yuck. We are heading into the hot, muggy season of Japan! I'll have to think about this a bit more.
I also need to prepare backing and batting and maybe I can get my patchwork group to sandwich this for me. I do NOT get down on the floor easily (that border was a bear to lay out from bending distance!) and I don't think I can crawl around basting or even pin basting for awhile.
So my poor knee is an inconvenience but it works fine at the sewing machine pedal!
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