Yesterday, a couple friends came over to do patchwork and Mrs. Nakazawa (my cat mentor) brought her FINISHED cat quilt and started her next project. Isn't this the cutest thing! She made so many kitties and sewed buttons on for eyes. In the corner is her beloved Mick with a fancy bangle and smiling eyes!

As for me, my Patches and Pinwheels quilt is basically quilted! And here it is laid out in the sewing room and hallway. It doesn't all fit in the room! Now comes the adventure part. Can I really put these four quarters together? I sure hope so because as is these are four odd quilts... Once these get together I'll have to figure out what to do about the border. I've left the edges of this unquilted thinking that I'll have an easier time uniformly quilting the border and even a large quilt is manageable on the edges.

I can't do that today nor tomorrow because I've got to go upstairs and help Tetsu move furniture. What do you think he's up to? Here is Mi helping him do some calculations. Tetsu has his saw and nails and hammer out again. I'm not going to be able to use the sewing room for a couple of days.
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