Yesterday morning I taught English to a couple kindergarten mothers and one of the mothers, seeing Tetsu's half knitted in the chair asked how much more I have to do and when I was hoping to finish it. Oh, I should be able to get it done in another week if I get in some serious knitting time and do nothing else.
Well that's a laugh. There is NO serious knitting time scheduled and so I squeeze in a bit of knitting between lessons and when I am bleary-eyed and thinking of bed. At this rate I am NOT going to get this done by Christmas! After the mothers left I settled into a chair and since it was a rainy day, I spent the rest of the afternoon knitting. Well, maybe if I don't have to do any major adjustments I can pull this under the wire.

This year's vest pattern is fairly complicated but doesn't have cables or color changes. Tetsu prefers solid colors and simple patterns but he's probably not going to be able to tell if this was complicated or not. Straight knitting I find boring and besides, any irregularity in stitches shows up too easily. I'm not too good at setting a gauge either (nor at making armholes and necklines etc.) so I often get a piece almost completed and have to do some ripping to make a garment wearable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with this one.

I guess I did show another vest that I was working on a couple of weeks ago and but that was a flop. I had found VERY CHEAP cotton yarn at the recycle shop and started working on an English knitting pattern. Cotton is too stretchy and even with a lot of TINK-ing (knit backwards=ripping) and elastic yarn, the armholes are too stretched out. I don't know what to do to remedy this any further so this project is sitting on the table looking forlorn.
The cotton vest looks better on the floor than on me.
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