I don't know when my sewing room has been so uncomfortable! No air conditioning up there and I was afraid to turn on the small electric fan because I was already having problems keeping all the little squares and triangles organized! So I just sewed and dripped.
Tessellating Cats doesn't have a border yet and there is still a lot of handwork to do (embroider eyes and whiskers on all these cats!) but the main THINKING part is done. All my cats are up there in bright cheerful colors!
I'm proud of myself for getting this done fairly quickly and for being so adventurous in using brights. Many of these are from way back when the Calico Cat sent me some of her bright left overs. And I'm proud of myself for not giving into the temptation to chuck it all and go take a nap in front of the downstairs air conditioning!
Work starts for me tomorrow again... Even though Tessellating Cats isn't finished I'm ready to start something new... (Can you see more UFO's piling up?)