Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An apple a day!

I live in the Apple Country of Japan.  (Actually there are many places in Japan that are famous for apples.  I happen to live near one of them.)

One of the pleasures of the season is to go to the orchard and sample apples and then bring home a big bag for a measly $10.  Although there are many family run orchards around us, we seem to patronize the same one year after year and the farmers know that I'm going to want two or three bags of slightly bruised apples to eat and cook with and take to Tetsu's mother and sister.

There were the days when our family would go apple picking too but I trust that the farmer knows best which apple is ready to be harvested so Tetsu and I don't go apple picking anymore.  But we sure enjoy the orchard and the farmer allowed me to wander through taking pictures.

Yum!  An apple a day!  We chop ours up into our morning granola.  And I love to make an apple crisp in this pre-winter season!  Anybody have a great apple recipe they'd like to share?  I'd sure like to go buy more apples!

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