Sunday, August 7, 2011

Grandma's sofa

Grandma daily chats with the dogs. She gets a real thrill hearing the jingling of their collars and she takes it as a supreme compliment when they come running to her. She invites them to sit with her on her sofa and they love it!

Notice Grandma's uncomfortable sofa. The "casita" that Grandma lives in was once our two car garage. After my brother and family moved in, Grandma decided to make her own little get away place but she furnished it with patio furniture!!! Durable, washable, fairly attractive and uncomfortable!

This summer Grandma is spending more and more time on the sofa and she gradually melts into a reclining position, falling between the cushions, cranking her neck into unusual contortions.

One day I approached Marcy.

"Grandma needs a new sofa. She looks so uncomfortable."

"A agree, but you know she'll just balk about it. She doesn't like things changing. If we go out and just buy her one then she'll be upset at first but then she'll forget and enjoy it."

Still, I approached Grandma about a new sofa. (There is only so far I'll go doing things behind her back.)

"Grandma, let's get you a new sofa. You really need it."

"Hmmnphff. I don't want a new sofa. This one is just fine. When I am gone then you can do what you want. I like this sofa."

"Are you planning on going somewhere Grandma? You might as well be comfortable while you're here."

"No. I don't want a new sofa."

"C'mon Grandma." says Leiya.

"C'mon Grandma." says Marcy.

"C'mon Grandma." say my brother and I. "It'll be fun."

Grandma was outnumbered.

Off we went to Ikea (which happens to be 10 minutes away.) We tried out sofas. Grandma sat on this one and that testing the comfort levels. Leiya pointed out styles and color choices. And Grandma picked out a sofa!

At the customer loading dock, Grandma enjoyed a cinnamon bun and waited to be loaded.

At home Leiya and Colin and my brother put together the sofa.

Thanks to the miracle of Velcro, the sofa got made! (Ikea must keep the Velcro people in business.)

Last night Grandma was still asking where the sofa came from. But this morning.....

"Doesn't my room look nice? This is a beautiful sofa! And I like the pretty pillows! Didn't the store have any chairs to match the sofa? I really need a matching chair too."

I guess she likes the sofa.

"Sadie! Scrappy! Come up and sit with me on my new sofa!"

Grandma really likes her dogs too. Don't most people keep the dogs off their new sofas?

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